About SageisBlog

My name is Sage Haba and I'm hot shit, in case no one told you. I partake in comic hero fiction, but I only watch good movies. Philosphy and lying to people who engage in philosphy with me are my two social hobbies. Making art is the most important thing you can do. If you don't make art I will find you and kill you with my two favourite hands. Lefty and Righty (disambiguated). I write microfiction because I cannot focus for more than 1000 or so words. I am weak to poison and fire types. There are two wolves in me: Lefty and Righty (disambiguated). If there was a worldwide solar flare I think I would be alright, but only if I learn how to use a printer before then. I like looking at curbs and trees, ideally within eyeshot of each other. Politics is interesting to me, in the sense that ideology is interesting to me, in the sense that philosphy is interesting to me. No I don't know what is actually going on in the world, stop asking. I have two ideologies inside of me: Lefty and Stinky. My friends think I'm funny and interesting but I don't agree. I think they're too moderate. There are one-hundred thousand missles on our beautiful Blue Ball and you can't prove that I don't own any of them. If I could go back in time, I would fix everything with my charisma; with the benefit of hindsight.
All my friends think I'm Autistic, but I think I'm just Asbestostic.
Contact Me: Sageisjuicy@gmail.com